Month: February 2021
Looking forward to Russells
Joannstoll lit’le Sissy is due on the 7th of March breed to Ravenhill’s Ima Trooper. We do not accept deposits until we have pups on the ground.

We have kept these two pups for breeding as this may be our last litter from Trooper

Looking forward to Spring
I’m sure we have all had enough of the cold, especially anyone further north dealing with snow. Yesterday brought 70 sunshine and promise of summer.
Fielding enquiries every day, sending out applications and making lists of people interested, prepared to wait for the “right” pup.

Lexe breed to Emrik.

To produce sound working showline pups with good color.
They will continue to color out for two years

Lexe’s pups at three and a half weeks.

No puppies a the moment but we may have a breeding with Cassie and Forrest who have tied. At the bottom of our home page you will find our GSD application to start the ball rolling…