Category: Uncategorized

Love your Pic’s

We love to get photo’s of your dogs as they grow. Sharing them on our website gives everyone an idea of what we breed. All puppies have got the “cute thing” but we breed for temperament, soundness and a capable dog that just may be the best looking pooch on the block.

Russells to go

We still have Russell pups available

Born July 2nd Emily and Willie looking so much like dad with Emily’s refinement.

Little Girl

This little girl will be available end of the month.

Available Puppies

Really cute Russells

Four week old puppies

A few puppies still available mid August. Return our application from the home page and start a dialogue.

Shepherd Puppies

one of Zena’s boy’s

This is what we have been putting on the ground for many years. While Forrests puppies are special and hold lots of promise, because everyone wants to take Forrest home. Zena crossed with Emrik gives us our quintessential Ravenhill offspring. Showline quality tempered with workingline performance. This is the perfect pet, your best friend and still formidable enough to discourage trouble and protect property. Temperament is key.

Puppies, Russell and Shepherd puppies

Both Russell terrier and German Shepherd puppies available in the coming months.

Our Children

Thank you to past client’s who keep in touch and thank you for the pictures of your dog’s, our children as they grow.

The Flag

This is something I have been wanting to do…

Erected a flag pole, nothing fancy just a tall sapling cleaned up and painted white. With all the devision a reminder of simpler times when we all knew who we were…

Mercede’s Pups

Mercede’s/ Gesandt pups born 2nd April coming 4 wks

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