Shepherd Puppies

This is what we have been putting on the ground for many years. While Forrests puppies are special and hold lots of promise, because everyone wants to take Forrest home. Zena crossed with Emrik gives us our quintessential Ravenhill offspring. Showline quality tempered with workingline performance. This is the perfect pet, your best friend and still formidable enough to discourage trouble and protect property. Temperament is key.

Hello! I am searching for a German Shepherd dog for myself, and was wondering when your pups will be available. I live in NJ, and in a duplex apartment. That is 2 floors, and plenty of room, and 2 parks for exercise close by. I am planning on training as well, and wanted to explore your pups availability.
Thank you.
NJ not the best situation to raise a dog. We usually require a fenced in backyard to protect your growing pup and dog parks don’t work. We have sold dogs to people in New York, both were policemen wanting to keep their families safe and we have had pups returned by people in apartments who realize that was not going to work.
Good afternoon, your Shepherds are beautiful! My dad had Shepherds and absolutely loved the breed. What price do your puppies start at?
The females available go for 2k. Serious inquiries start with our application from the home page